It may be surprising to know that many recent studies have shown that fewer marriages these days are ending in a separation. The divorce rate as a whole is actually declining in Illinois and across the United States. However, for older adults, the rate of divorce is on the upswing. In a phenomenon known as gray divorce, more and more senior spouses are deciding to go their separate ways. Here are a few reasons why.
Today, the societal stigma that once surrounded divorce has all but disappeared. For many older spouses, the kids have left the home. This forces them to not only re-examine their relationships, but also themselves as individuals. Many times they find that they are totally different people than they were when the marriage first began. More and more older adults are just refusing to stay unhappily married.
It is common for couples to lose connection over time, especially if the majority of their marriage is spent raising kids and taking care of the home. However, resentment also plays a big role in many late-life divorces. Resentment of any kind can make a spouse feel unsatisfied and trapped in a marriage. In turn, leaving the marriage and starting fresh could look more appealing.
There are a myriad of reasons why the divorce rate among adults ages 50 and older in the United States has nearly doubled in the last 20 years. But, in reality, not all marriages are meant to be forever, no matter how bad a person wants a happily ever after ending. Those in Illinois who have questions about any aspect of divorce may want to consider discussions with a legal representative. A seasoned and knowledgeable attorney can help individuals determine the best arrangements for both children and parents.