One of the more challenging aspects of divorce that doesn’t get talked about as much is post-divorce parenting. For separated parents in Illinois who are in a joint child custody arrangement, a main objective is to keep the children out of the crossfires as much as possible. Here are a couple of things that divorced parents may want to keep in mind.
Never put the children in the middle
Children of divorced parents can easily get caught in the middle of parental arguments. To avoid this, never talk about the other parent in such a way that will force the children to choose sides. Regardless of what happened with the past relationship, remember that the former spouse will always be the children’s parent and they love him or her just as much. Leave the past in the past and never speak negatively about the other parent in front of the kids.
It’s okay to parent differently
There’s a good chance that disagreements played a role in the separation from the former spouse. Unfortunately, a divorce will not make things easier. Both parents often think they still must parent the exact same, but this is far from the truth. It is okay to parent differently than the ex-spouse. When one parent has the kids, he or she should expect the children to follow the rules in their home and should not worry about the other parent’s rules or approach.
Although a parental divorce can have immediate impacts on the children, the relationships that the kids develop and maintain with each parent will have a bigger impact on their lives. Illinois parents who have questions about child custody or post-divorce parenting can get help by contacting a licensed legal professional. Obtaining the services of a knowledgeable family law attorney who is committed to protecting the well-being of children can prove invaluable.